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Contact Us

We're Here To Serve You

Lilkeisha Smith Head Shot

Joe Jacobs

Resident Director
Sarirose Hyldahl Head Shot

Sarirose A. Hyldahl

Director of Operations shyldahl@AVIFoodsystems.com440.775.5994
Sarirose Hyldahl Head Shot

Matt Schlottag

Director of Retail Operations mschlottag@AVIFoodsystems.com513.716.7011.
Michael Foster Head Shot

Michael Foster

Director of Culinary mfoster@AVIFoodsystems.com330.285.4899
Michael Foster Head Shot

Benjamin Slowik

Executive Chef bslowik@AVIFoodsystems.com216.319.8960

Stop by to say Hi!
You're welcome to visit the Campus Dining Office, located in Daub House
145 W. Lorain St
Oberlin, OH 44074